On Saturday, August 31st from 11am- 3pm, join us for an afternoon of shopping and adopting! Adoptable cats and dogs will be onsite courtesy of Friendship Animal Protective Leage, Fido's Companion Rescue, Multiple Breed Rescue, Love-A-Stray and Tails from the City.
Browse vendors such as Chewlinka G.E.A.R, PetPeople, Trixie's Toys and Grateful Dog Bakery. Watch a dog training demonstation by Elite K911 Dog Training or have your cat behavior questions answered by Tabitha Kucera of Chirrups and Chatter.
Grateful Dog Bakery also will be hosting a dog treat decorating class. Have a great adoption story for your existing dog? Enter our "Dog Adoption Story" contest online and win a chance to be on the cover of CLE DOG magazine! Winners will be announced at 2:30pm the Adopt and Shop Event. We hope to see you there!